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16 11, 2021

How Often Can I Declare Bankruptcy?

2021-11-16T00:51:45+00:00November 16th, 2021|

If you have filed for bankruptcy before and received a discharge of debt, you need to wait before you can file for bankruptcy again. The federal bankruptcy code specifies when you can file for bankruptcy again and receive a discharge. If you did not get a debt discharge in your previous bankruptcy case, you could [...]

16 11, 2021

Is it Legal for People to Ask Me About My Bankruptcy?

2021-11-16T00:51:44+00:00November 16th, 2021|

If you are unemployed or you are looking for a new job, you may be wondering whether an employer can ask you about filing for bankruptcy. Without a job, paying off the debt you owe can seem impossible, and you may not be sure what you can do to get out of debt. At the [...]

3 11, 2020

Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filings Drastically Increased in May

2021-08-08T21:41:30+00:00November 3rd, 2020|

Filings for Chapter 11 bankruptcy jumped by 48% when compared to last year, according to the American Bankruptcy Institute. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant economic hardship for businesses and private individuals alike. In April, chapter 11 bankruptcy filings increased by 28%. Experts anticipate more bankruptcy filings as the coronavirus shutdowns continue in many states, [...]

3 09, 2020

How Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Will Affect Your Credit Report?

2021-08-08T21:41:30+00:00September 3rd, 2020|

A bankruptcy attorney San Diego is someone you should always look at first whenever you are feeling that it’s time to file a bankruptcy for you. BLC Law Center understands it’s not an easy decision but, you can only think of starting a new life when you are successfully bankrupt. Choosing the Right Type of [...]

19 03, 2019

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy In California

2021-08-08T21:41:29+00:00March 19th, 2019|

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy In California There are several options for someone who is interested in filing for bankruptcy. Chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy are two options which one can choose. Both of these options allow a filer to hit the ‘reset’ button on his or her overwhelming debts. The following will focus on the [...]

4 11, 2018

Purpose And Process Of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

2021-08-08T21:41:29+00:00November 4th, 2018|

Purpose And Process Of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Bankruptcy is a term that most people, lawyers, and laypeople alike, understand. To the average person, bankruptcy means a fresh start financially in which a person’s debts are discharged, and he or she starts over after relinquishing rights to much of his or her valuable properties. Once the [...]

2 07, 2016

Major Bankruptcy Chapter 13 Mistakes Cant Afford Make

2021-08-08T21:41:29+00:00July 2nd, 2016|

Major Bankruptcy Chapter 13 Mistakes Cant Afford Make For a lot of people these days, filing for Bankruptcy Chapter 13 is the only option to get their financial future back on track – even if it doesn’t look like an attractive option at first. A form of personal bankruptcy that allows individuals to reorganize their [...]

2 07, 2016

Life After Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

2021-08-08T21:41:30+00:00July 2nd, 2016|

Life After Chapter 13 Bankruptcy If you have successfully completed your life after Chapter 13 bankruptcy process and have essentially hit the “reset” button on your financial future, it’s time to make sure that you take advantage of everything that this process has provided you – and that you make the right decisions going forward. [...]

2 07, 2016

Tips Tricks To Help Survive Bankruptcy Chapter 13

2021-08-08T21:41:30+00:00July 2nd, 2016|

Surviving Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Deciding to file for bankruptcy (especially Chapter 13 bankruptcy) is never a simple or straightforward process. There’s going to be a long road of decisions that you will have to make before you ever feel comfortable making the decision to file for bankruptcy, and you’re going to want to make sure [...]

Ready To Eliminate Your Debt?

Bankruptcy is still the best option. Other debt plans make promises, but only bankruptcy delivers.

Call us at 800-551-7922